It’s been quite awhile since I have written anything and for a not so great reason. I just haven’t been able to gain the courage to actually write down what is going on and I’m finally ready to come face to face with it… I’m fat. Now, before everyone rushes to me and says “but you just had a baby! You look great for that!” please, hear me out first. I’m not putting out what I gained during pregnancy, but it was a lot. I didn’t exercise while I was pregnant; I was either way too tired or way to sore and used everything above as an excuse. So, here we are, 3 months after my beautiful son has been born and I’m still weighing in at what I weighed 3 weeks after he was born (and all the swelling finally went down!). My knees and my ankles hurt when I move and I know it’s from the extra weight, it takes a little more effort for me to get up out of a chair or go up and down stairs. I’ve never ever been this big and while I know it was for a good reason, it’s still hard to look in th...