
Showing posts from December, 2016

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."

I'm sitting here 3 pounds lighter than I was last week, I'm sitting here relishing in the fact that I'm actually DOING something and that I feel good about my body for the first time in awhile. Last week something kind of snapped in my head, it was like a slap in the face almost. I had to make a change, I've said this so many times before but I just can't explain it. So I decided to cut down on my gluten as well as dairy, this isn't for everyone and for someone with a serious love of cheese - this was not easy. I also was stuck with what I would have for breakfast, for so long I've been having yogurt/fruit/granola. So I of course hit up pinterest thinking all I would find is "you have to suffer and eat gross food". Well, that's not true. I found this great recipe for a "Banana pecan coconut bowl" and it is REALY good, it's like oatmeal without the oats. On other days I can have eggs AND I CAN HAVE BACON. Amazing. For lunch I have ...