The day I lost my double chin

I haven't been posting as regularly lately and I apologize. I just feel like I've been posting the same things, over and over again so I figured I would wait until I had something *new* to post about. Lucky for all of you, today is that day.

Whenever I gain any type of weight, I gain it in my face first, this make me look like a 12 year old. Not fun. I get these little chipmunk cheeks that are cute when you are say 12 but not 27. So, this is the place I notice the weight gain first because I always have a double chin. It's always been there, the little bastard. Even when I have lost weight in the past, yup still had the double chin. I would put my neck out as far as possible, risking looking almost ostrich like to avoid the double chin. Well, today I noticed that my face really has thinned out (it's also the place I lose weight first) so I turned from side to side checking out cheek bones that I haven't seen in quite awhile. Then I tried nodding my head to check out the chin situation. To my great surprise there was no situation! Unless I try and make it look like I have no neck, which is just kind of scary.  As of today, March 20th 2013, I have finally lost my double chin. Good-Bye Double Chin it hasn't been fun and I will NOT miss you.

So there you have it, my farewell to my double chin.


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