It's been awhile!

Hello to my readers!

I apologize for the lack of entries lately. I have had a very good reason though, I had to stop my "diet"  and really working out for awhile. Reason being, I'm about 12 weeks pregnant! :) So, I suppose that is a good reason for it! I couldn't quite figure out a way to post something without revealing what was actually going on, so I figured I'd hold off, so I do have a few things to update on!

First thing, being pregnant and trying to eat right is hard work. For me, I've been craving sweets big time as well as fruit, but mainly the bad stuff. I've been also trying to keep counting calories not to lose weight but to try and keep a healthy amount each day. That has also been really hard for me, I've found that since I'm not "focused" on my weight right now, I haven't been as dedicated as I once was. I'm hoping that by starting to write in my blog again, I'll be able to keep myself more accountable. I am super thankful that I haven't gotten sick throughout my first trimester, I've really been great in that regard. Other than a few bouts of nausea, which I definitely expected.

Second, I did not realize how tired you get. Wow. I don't think I've ever been so tired from not doing much at all! I can be up moving around for not even an hour and feel like I need a nap. Therefore exercise has been really, really difficult. I honestly haven't done much of anything, mainly because of how tired I am and also this whole shortness of breath thing. I honestly feel like I have never run a day in my life and walking up a flight of stairs is a chore and a half. I'm hoping with the 2nd trimester I'll start feeling a bit better and be able to enjoy walks during the summer.

Another thing that has happened since the last time I updated was that I ran in the "Run to Home Base" at Fenway Park. That was an amazing experience.  It was my first 9k and I think I did a lot better than I thought I would. I ran parts of it and walked a lot of it, I was nervous with what running so much would do so I took it easy. I was exhausted after and completely sore for a few days, but it was great. I got to shake hands with a lot of soldiers and thank them for their service. Also, walking around on the field at Fenway was pretty awesome as well.

Anywho. That is about all that I have for today!


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