It's still summer?

Taking the dogs for a walk this morning was amazing, the cool crisp air was perfect for a Fall morning. Except wait, it's not's still summer? Really? It sure doesn't feel like it right now. I know a lot of people have been complaining about this weather, but I LOVE it. Fall is my favorite season of all, it's perfect. I'm so excited for the trees to start turning colors and to bake pumpkin and apple pies. I like the summer a lot, but I think this year it really has worn me down. The heatwave(s) did a number on me and I am just ready for the cooler weather. Sorry to all you summer lovers out there, this pregnant girl just loves the cool weather. 

Moving on to a general update: 

Things have been going well, I'm feeling really good these days.I am 22 weeks, 5 days, it's going by so fast! Although, I'm really tired lately, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I am not sleeping through the night. Ever. My belly has gotten A LOT bigger over the past two weeks so it's making it harder to sleep. I'll start out the night on my side and wake up on my back because I can't breathe.  So I move to the other side and adjust my body pillow then by the time I get comfortable and feel like I could possibly fall asleep, I have to pee. Yup. I feel like it's way to early for me to start being uncomfortable, I mean I'm only 5 1/2 months. I guess that's how it goes though! Baby is doing well, I had a drs appt yesterday and got to listen to the little dudes heartbeat. Dr said that all looks good and he is happy with my weight. That made me happy to hear that we were both doing so well! 

Anywho! That's about all I have for today, till next time!


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