What it's really like to be a parent: Advice to new parents
I was talking to a friend who recently had a baby and we were talking about what you aren’t told about having a baby. The hard stuff. Most of the time we’re led to believe that you will have a perfect delivery and you will come home with your baby 2 days later and things will be perfect. That’s just not true. What we don’t talk about as Mom’s (and Dad’s too!) is how hard it is, how much you cry the first few months, how exhausting it is. Shame on us for not preparing our fellow Mom’s better and warning them about the whirlwind that their life is going to be, so I’m dedicating this post to all of the new parents and hope that I can help at least one new Mom feel better. Your delivery may not be as perfect as you envisioned it and things do happen. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I had a c-section, which was not my original plan at all. In my head I said to myself “I’m going to go in and have this baby in a few hours and all will be great!” Yeah, didn’t wor...