
Cooking healthy is really difficult when you are a working Mom, I’m finding out. I don’t really have the time to prepare these great healthy meals that I’d like to, I’ll be honest we usually end up having whatever is fastest/easiest for dinner. My newest goal is to actually start preparing a menu weekly and maybe even try to get a few meals ready for the week on Sundays; this is so much easier said than done.  My favorite website to use for recipes is, Gina provides WW points for all of her recipes and also separates them into different categories and portion sizes. I used this site a lot when I was losing weight previously and I’m looking forward to getting back into the habit of it.  She even has brownies and cookie recipes! Ahh. I have heard good things about her brownies with black beans in them and I really want to try them. So, starting the end of this week I’m going to plan for next week (print the recipes out, write down which nights we’ll have what and shop for all the ingredients) and we will see how it goes.  I also need to get better about preparing a vegetable with our meals, I usually will have the main course and a starch side, so I’m also adding that into the mix. I always buy vegetables and somehow they my refrigerator is where they go to die apparently!

Not such a long post this week, just some insight into what I’m looking into doing. :) I’m sure it won’t be easy on Sunday, but I’ll be thanking myself next week.


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