Using the tools to succeed

Losing weight is crazy hard, staying on track can be nearly impossible if you aren't 100% committed. I'd be lying if I said I have this down pat, I don't. I really, really don't. I've been working at this for 2 years now and I still have no idea what I'm doing, but I keep working on it. I keep going and I keep trying. I use a lot of tools to get this done, because mainly I can't do this on my own. So, for this post I'll go further into details about the tools I use, in no particular order!

Number 1: MyFitnessPal. This was the one thing that has really kept me going and kept me on track. I use the site and I use the app, the site is a little easier, but the app is convenient because I always have access to it. I've got a 184 day streak going right now, to be fair, I haven't logged every day for 185 days but I'm working on that.

Number 2: Pinterest. Seriously, Pinterest has been so helpful.. I find healthy meals that I can eat and my family will enjoy as well. Plus there are TONS of workouts on there as well. It really helps to be able to just type in "quick work out" or "healthy dinners" and find it. 

Number 3: This blog! Keeping on top of writing and knowing that people are watching me, really helps me. 

Number 4: SUPPORT. I personally think this is the most important one for me. If I didn't have the support from my husband, I'd have no time to run or to eat healthy. If I didn't have the support from my friends, I'd be so far behind and wouldn't stay at all on track. Knowing that every now and then I get a gentle kick in the butt really helps. The running community! I'm part of a runners group on facebook and watching those folks achieve things I couldn't even fathom years ago, is so helpful! 

Number 5: Ambition/Drive
So this is a big one and this isn't really a tool as much as it is basically the number one thing I need to succeed. I NEED to have the ambition to keep going and to keep losing weight and the drive well that basically comes hand in hand. 
So really, that's all I really need. I have my tools in my place and that's basically it. Everything in my life has settled (for now) and I'm easing into a routine of working from home full time. This will help things tremendously as I'll always have my healthy foods readily available and I'll be able to tweak my running/exercise schedule a bit so I'm not waking up SO early (I'll still have to get up pretty early to get in a full run, but not 4AM early. 

This is the next phase of my losing weight, shedding the last 25 pounds. I can do this! 


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