Destination: Health

I have never had a good relationship with food, happy? Eat. Sad? Eat. Just feeling meh? Eat. Breathing? Eat. Food is both my love and my enemy at the same time. It helps me and hurts me, when in reality it's only supposed to help me. I've been on somewhat of a binge lately, I've gained a good amount of weight back and man, that stings to type. To acknowledge. I've been avoiding the scale, looking in the mirror.. basically avoiding myself. So we can see where that has gotten me. (Answer is nowhere)

At 31.5 (eeeeesh) I really have to start thinking more about my health, I've never really been in a "Good" place healthwise. Either my thyroid is wonky or my iron is low.. I'm tired. constantly. I'm sore. Constantly. I can never just have a good day and feel great and I'm really sick of it. I've been doing a lot of research and having a lot of conversations with what exactly eating healthy is, some will say that it's never having a grain or carb again. Well unless you medically have a reason not to eat grains, why give it up? I know me for sure I can't tell myself I cannot have something because I will and eat a truck load of bread. Seriously, I'd hijack a truck of wonder bread, bring a massive jar of peanut butter and just eat my way through, that is not good for anyone. I have to be a good role model for a little boy who is always watching (ALWAYS) and one of the most important parts of that is showing him that you can have treats, in moderation. You can eat a cupcake, but make sure you also eat your veggies too, lots of them. I've been trying to include a vegetable in every meal lately, even far so good. I'm trying to drink 100 oz of water a day because being hydrated is key, though I don't really have an issue with not drinking water, sometimes I drink too much. I just really love water.  I'm looking at food as nourishment and finding ways to enjoy the healthy, whole good for you foods too. I don't want to dread my meals, I want to be EXCITED about my dinner if it's healthy. I'm also including something I enjoy in each meal, but maybe a healthier version. Example: Toast (back to the grains thing). I love toast. So, I've had a slice of toast with my breakfast every morning (which is a yummy egg scramble with mushrooms and spinach). I'm trying to find variety, thank you so much pinterest! You make it easy. Also trying to remember that I want what I'm making to be good for my family too, for them to enjoy their dinners etc. it's a process, but I'm working on it.

So I'm also doing some other things to improve my health, trying to focus more on the positive. I've been meditating a lot, doing yoga, going to the gym. Challenging myself to get 10k steps every day, writing.. a lot of it has helped. Also deleting FB off my phone, it's been seriously freeing. My productivity at work and home has gotten way better and I'm finding I actually have time to do things :). I'm not sure I'll put it back on there! But either way for now it's off. I'm also trying to avoid screen time about an hour before bed, I haven't been sleeping well so I think that's a part of it. Then the big one has been: QUITTING COFFEE. Yes it deserves all caps, I had been drinking 2-3 cups a day. Mostly black so at least I didn't have sugar but I was finding I couldn't make it through an afternoon without it. So, I cut it out. The last 3 days have been challenging, I've got a killer headache, I'm tired and super cranky but, I'm not giving in because I know after a week or so it'll get better. I'm drinking tea and that has really helped.  I know part of the reason I like coffee so much is because I love the feeling of sitting down at my desk in the morning, enjoying a nice hot cup and just relaxing. So I had to have something and the tea I have has a lot less caffeine in it than a regular cup of coffee (my head tells me that every day). 

So that's about it, this is my plan to get back on track. I'm keeping a somewhat bullet journal to track my weight loss, exercise, coffee exile etc. 


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