It's been 1 week..

8 Days. I've gone to the gym for 8 days in a row. I've been sore just about every day, got a blister on my hand but it's been so worth it. I've had more energy than I've had in awhile and have been able to actually get stuff done around the house and I find myself making better food choices because I've already worked out in the morning. Today my friend came with me and it was so much better than going alone, having someone with you makes it easier to do that last rep or to keep pushing until the end (leg ups ugh and squats.. so many squats!). We did the workout from my Fitbod app and it was a really good workout! We're both fairly beginners at weight lifting so we're starting small and then will build up to lifting heavy. It helped me mainly because I was able to go to the weight side and actually feel confident about lifting weights. I wasn't intimidated by the other people there and it felt so good! I know I'll be pretty sore tomorrow but that's fine because it means my muscles are starting to come out of their sleepy state ha! 

On Saturday I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes so that was my "rest" day, I got up at 6am and went right to the gym. I think the important thing about this is keeping the routine no matter what. Routine is: Wake up, drink some water/eat a protein bar, go to the gym. Every single day. There were definitely days last week where I wasn't feeling so motivated, yesterday was one of those. I just didn't want to be there but I did a work out and then left. I didn't do any cardio but I went and that is what counts. The repetition is what will make this stick for me.

Food wise last week was not perfect, that's for sure. So I planned more this week and when I went shopping was really conscious of what I was buying. One thing I'm doing differently is not buying anything that is low fat. I've realized after reading etc low fat isn't necessarily better and it's all about eating good whole foods (Which includes the fats!). So I bought full fat yogurt/cottage cheese etc. I'm pretty proud of that because it was something that I struggled to come up with and even buying the foods felt odd to me, like I was doing something wrong. This process isn't only about exercising but it's also about finding my way on this whole food journey as well, finding that food is fuel and just like with a car, if you put junky gas into your car - it's not going to run well or for very long. If you put the clean good gas into your car - it runs longer and well. Step by step I'm making my own way.


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