Time to start again.

Well what a crazy few months it's been! My son is 6 weeks old and absolutely perfect and beautiful, he was 100% worth the stretch marks, jiggly tummy and the lovely scar I am now sporting thanks to my C-Section. I may never be able to wear a bikini again, but that's totally fine with me.  Now that I am healed for the most part and got the OK from my doctor to exercise and start to lose some of the baby weight, it's time for me to start planning my "attack" on the weight that I gained from my pregnancy.

When I got home from the hospital, I had these visions of wearing my old"fat" jeans. A week went by and I still couldn't put them on, I figured "Oh, I'm still swollen"..two weeks went by... then three... and I still can't fit into any of my old pants. I currently have one pair of jeans that are maternity and are huge on me. This is normal and I'm not getting myself discouraged over it, I did after all just go through 9 and a half months of growing another human being.  So now, my journey to lose weight starts all over again and you all get to go with me on it yet again.

My plan consists of a lot of similar things that I was doing before, but also adding another element to it. I'll be starting Myfitnesspal again and counting my calories, when I first start it'll be just seeing how many calories I'm eating. Once I have a good idea of how much I'm eating then I can start to tweak it and bring it to a healthy level.  The exercise portion this time will be a bit different as I'm sure my body has changed and what I can handle has changed. I'm planning on starting to run again and my goal is to run a half marathon in the fall. This is something huge for me as 5 years ago, if someone had told me that I would someday want to run a half marathon I would have thought they were crazy. I'm really excited about this new goal and can't wait!

So..that is my plan! Here we go!


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