Feelin' it

Last week was pretty terrible, I won't lie. I didn't grocery shop so I didn't have much for healthy food in the house. We had a party at the house so I had all this... yummy but crappy for you food all around me. Not to mention the delicious wine and beer we also got, hard stuff to say no to and my willpower was in the toilet basically. So Friday I took the time I needed, pulled myself up by my bootstraps and shopped, got the healthy stuff and went from there. I still didn't do GREAT this weekend, but I had the option.

Today though, today I am on my shit. I did two workouts and have eaten really well so far, including vegetables! I have the hardest time with veggies, seriously. Drinking my water as well and just feeling better. I went for a run and it was HARD but I also got down to a really good under 10 minute pace for 2 miles which has not happened in awhile. So, that's great! I hit my 10k steps and am on an accountability thread group so I have my own post that I post pictures of everything I eat so it's just..out there. Helpful!

I kind of had to smack myself back into this because I was going down a dark path. Last week I noticed I was just plain bitchy, I couldn't figure out what my problem was at first and then it hit me, I was eating so awful. I was feeling MISERABLE and just crappy constantly so I know that the eating was really hurting me. After doing so well for so long, I was just trashing my body. Ugh. But, I'm back today and I'm focused on the future and feeling better for myself, following my nutritionists plan and moving forward.

Also adding in some mental health in here too, going to sit and meditate for about 10 minutes to clear my mind of all the other stuff that's going on. This should really help me in a lot of areas!

Onward and Upward, Friends. Always.


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