The Nutritionist

If you've been reading along, you may remember that awhile back I made an appointment to see a Nutritionist, well that appointment was on Friday. It was really interesting to say the least and very eye opening. I had talked to a friend before going and knew somewhat of what I should expect. I'll try to break down the visit as best I can.

So the first thing we she did was just of course ask me why I was there and about my current eating habits. I told her I'm looking to lose the last 25 pounds and get back to pre baby weight but being healthier and to change my habits - for life. I also mentioned that I'm an emotional eater, stress makes me eat. She was not concerned with my calories, but more my balance of what I was eating. Makes sense. She also helped me see that I've really been depriving myself of things that are part of a BALANCED diet. The key word there is balanced, I eat a lot of starch (duh potatoes) and a lot of sugar but not a lot of natural sugar which is where my problem lies. She really thinks that if I can get myself balanced, I'll be feeling A LOT better and the weight will start to slide off a bit. 

So, from there she gave me some tools to use. The first was a journal with not only calories but how hungry I am, what I'm doing when eating,who I'm with, where I'm eating and how I feel. I think this will be more eye opening than just entering what I'm eating. Gives a snapshot of my reasons for eating. She also gave me examples of balanced meals and suggestions of what to eat, which will be helpful for me since I really am a visual learner. Then a grocery list of 100% real and clean food, super helpful. The last was "smart snacking for the athlete" which explains when and how much you should be eating as an "Athlete" I put that in quotes because I do not consider myself an athlete, someone who exercises, a runner, sure. But not an athlete ha. 

 Another chapter in this whole journey of being healthy, I feel more comfortable now. She also told me that I CAN have the things that I love (like cheese, cookies, etc.) I just have to limit myself to maybe 100 calories a day of that stuff and if there is something that I just cannot control myself around, that is the thing I should consider "breaking up" with. 

Lots to think about, lots to adjust, but I'm happy about it.After all, being healthy is the name of the game!



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