Turning I can't into I can.

I know the title of this post is incredibly cheesy, I'm incredibly cheesy. Like we're talking melted queso cheesy. Cheesiest cheeseball there ever was, right here. Party of 1. I'm pretty sure my husband did not know the lengths of my cheesiness before he married me, oh well, he's stuck now. Though after 8 years, he's used to it. I think. Anyways. 

Moving on because if I keep talking about cheese I'm going to need to eat cheese.  

I went out for my first run in about 3..ish weeks today, I was nervous for a few reasons, I hadn't run in awhile, I've been super sick and my asthma has been killing me lately. I brought my inhaler which I usually never do on a run (and actually had to use it, so good thing). This session was 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking, 8 minutes of running, 3 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of running. The first 5 minutes felt easy, I was going really really slowly but I was into it. After that I had a cramp, but was still able to complete the second interval of 8 minutes. I think my fastest that I got up to was 11:15 which is a far cry from my previous 10-11 minute pace I had going my last run, but eh, I was out there. The last interval was the hardest, I was in my head. I had a cramp. I said I can't do this about a thousand times, with every step. I actually had tears in my eyes because I just SO over it. I did.not.stop though and I finished the whole thing, it may not have been pretty but I finished. 

That's it. I finished and damn if that isn't something to be proud of. I stopped for 3 weeks and have been ridiculously sick, coughing up a storm and still was able to run. 

Losing this baby weight has been quite the journey but I've kept it up, I haven't quit and I've made sure that I celebrate every milestone. I'm over halfway there and I'll get there in my own time. I'm not going to let my own frustrations and the voice in my head stop me.  

27 pounds left to go. 


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