Making progress despite myself

So I haven't been doing my best lately, I've been slacking big time on counting calories and getting my work outs in, I know, I know typical. Well despite that I've lost weight. I don't know if it's this horrendous virus that has run through my house or what, but either way, I'm not going to take that for granted. I'm getting back on track so that I don't gain it all back. The hardest part for me is disruption to my routine, I have so many excuses lately "I'm sick" "I didn't go into the office so I can't go into the gym" blah blah blah. Well we've had a very mild winter here so I can't really use weather as an excuse, I've run in the cold and wind before and been fine. Just need to keep my inhaler with me. Being sick is definitely a valid excuse, though. I've seen studies on both sides "exercising while sick gets you better sooner!" or "exercising while sick makes you even sicker" I choose to believe the second one because when I try to exercise when sick my body just kind of says "Nope. You crazy." Especially with this respiratory cold I've got going on, yuck. I'm still planning on doing my 5k on Saturday, it'll be really slow and I may end up walking a lot, but my goal is just to finish. I won't break any records and I may be the last person to finish, but as long as I finish I'll be happy.

So even though I've been doing not so great, like I said above, I did lose weight. 1.4lbs.Which brings me to a total of 29lbs lost and 27lbs to go, it doesn't feel so daunting now that I'm under the 30lb mark. I remember feeling so hopeless before and just crying because I had so much weight to lose and that I'd never get my body back. Well I'm getting closer than I have before and it feels really good. I'm not sure I'll ever have the body that I had before (9.5 months of carrying a human and having a c-section does not help in that department), but I'm hoping to get somewhat close. :)

Onward and upward friends.


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