100 Days on MFP...Again

I hit my 100 day mark on MyFitnessPal this morning when I logged on. I'll be straight with you, about 75% of that was me just logging on and not actually putting my food in, that last 25% though is what matters most to me though. I've been faithfully logging my calories (give or take a few days here and there) and exactly what I eat. Has it helped? Absolutely. It's kept me on top and kept me motivated, held me accountable for what I'm eating and put it right in my face why I haven't been losing weight. I haven't weighed in for 2 weeks but I'm planning on doing it on Monday to see how it's going. Next week will be tough, I'm in NYC for work for a day and that usually means eating on the go and grabbing dinner somewhere that may not be super healthy. Plus, how can I go to NYC and not get a bagel or a slice? Come on now.. I'll do my best but I'm not going to torture myself. 

Anywho. I've been doing really well with running too, I started week 5 of C210K and I have a race in a few weeks (5k) that I'm looking forward to. I did very well with week 5 day 1 today, it was 3 intervals of 5 minutes and I did not slow down the treadmill for any of the intervals (I've had it on 5.5 each time). I'm hoping to run the whole 5k in a few weeks, not looking for any time specifically, just to not stop. I'll be doing it with a friend so we can motivate each other since we're about the same pace right now. Should be a lot of fun! Oh! I also should hear from the BAA about whether or not I got a volunteer spot at the Marathon this year. Fingers crossed! I was #8 so hopefully that's a good thing!

So if you're my friend on Instagram you probably notice that I log every work out I do with a selfie. I do this because it keeps me accountable and also because I'm really bad at taking progress pictures, so it helps me to be able to look back. So I went back on my instagram and was able to find a pic I took 48 weeks ago, which coincidentally is right before I started C25K again. I noticed a big difference, not only in how I look but how I'm standing and how I'm presenting myself. My face is obviously thinner, but I don't think you can notice much else other than that, it's just my demeanor is..better..prouder. :) 



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