Another year begins.

My 31st Birthday was on Saturday, I was in NYC with friends for a wedding, I didn't mind one bit. It was an excellent weekend and I danced, drank (and drank..) and ate my way through the weekend. It is what it is and I don't regret a second of it I partied like I was 21 again, except my body very quickly reminded me that I am NOT 21 anymore. By the end of the weekend my whole body ached and I felt like I was hit by a truck. Still it was totally worth it. 

Now though, I'm onto my 31st year and I feel like I need to set some new goals for myself. The goals have always been the same and usually they don't get achieved. Sad, yet true. I've been trying to lose this last 24 pounds for a few months now, I really need to take it seriously now. So I was looking on Pinterest trying to find some motivation. I stumbled upon a blog that a woman wrote and it was about running at least 1 mile every day for a year. I can do that. I can totally do that, might be tough in the winter and I might have to think about a gym membership because I really hate running in the cold. 1 mile is 10 minutes, sometimes more, sometimes less. I can do that. I can do 1 mile every day. Now, when to start? I go on vacation next Thursday and I'll be honest with you, I need this vacation and I need the relaxation it brings, so I'm not sure starting this challenge is smart to do right before I go away. So.. I'm thinking when I get back I'll start. That would be.. September 18th. 1 mile every day, I'm thinking I'll start with 40 days and then push onto a year. 

Just one step at a time..getting back to it and putting the whole plan the nutritionist gave me into motion. One step at a time!


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