Whoops! Check in

I totally forgot to do a post this week, where is my head at this week?

Things are going ok - still haven't lost a pound, which is such a bummer! I haven't gained one but I haven't lost any either. I remember going through this when I was doing this the last time. I wouldn't lose for a few weeks and then bam, 2 pounds off. So hopefully that'll be the case this time around but we will see!

I just have to continue what I'm doing and trust that it will work.

Instead of focusing and dwelling on the fact that I haven't lost anything recently, I want to list the positive things that I've changed recently:

1.) I've cut down on my snacking. Snacking was a huge part of my day to day, I would be eating constantly throughout the day. Now, I have one snack a day and that's between breakfast and lunch. If I really get hungry in the afternoon I try to have a piece of fruit to tide me over or some chocolate covered cranberries (only one serving!) but usually my lunch is enough until dinner time.

2.) I've been eating more fruit and vegetables, this is a big one since I very rarely would include vegetables in our day to day meals. It was mostly just potatoes, but lately I have been using a lot of zucchini and peppers..and not a lot of potatoes at all! I also try to have fruit every morning for breakfast!

3.) I've cut down on my coffee. Some days I definitely need more than one cup but a lot of days I will try to drink a cup of coffee and then 32oz of water. If I'm still feeling drowsy after that I will have another cup, this also helps me stay hydrated!

4.) I've been making an effort to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I'm up at 4:30 during the week (on days I'm in the office) so for me to get at least 7 hours I do have to go to bed earlier than most people but it's been helping me stay focused and be more alert.

5.) Meal planning! 2 weeks ago I planned for 2 weeks in advance and it has been great! I made a shopping list and followed it then I've followed the meal plan for our family for both weeks, it's been great and even though it takes a bit more effort at night to prepare dinner, it's definitely worth it! We've been eating a lot less processed foods because of it which has really helped me in feeling better.

So those are 5 positive changes that I've made so far, it helps to see it in writing as well :)


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