Monday Check up

Mondays are tough, especially those ones that you actually have to peel yourself out of bed. You know the ones, your eyelids feel like sandpaper and hurt to open.. how can it possibly be 4:30 already? (or 6 or whenever you wake up). These are the mornings I think to myself "Good Lord, there is no way this is worth it. There is no freaking way that I can do this" yet, I do. Though I did give myself an extra 10 minutes this morning, but I got up and made my way out the door. Here I am.  Finally drinking my coffee after working out and getting ready, the worst part of today is that I *still* feel like I could go back to sleep for another 3 hours. Ugh, all the coffee, please.

OK, that's enough complaining for today, here is what you are actually here to read about! This week was good, not great like last week, but still good. I still stayed within my range each day and still managed to make my 10k steps most days. The results? Well, I didn't lose any weight last week but I didn't gain any either. I think one thing I do need to do is get a handle on my weekends. I feel like sometimes the weekend is a free for all and I can eat whatever I want. Usually on the weekends I don't eat much during the day, but I'll indulge at night, it's also the only time I'm allowing myself to drink alcohol (Unless there is a real "wine emergency" ;) ) so when I do have a few beers or glasses of wine, I'm thinking that REALLY adds up in my calories...that added to all the other stuff I eat on the weekends just doesn't help my calorie intake. So, that will be the next step I take, to get control of my weekends. I think everyone is allowed to "cheat" every now and then. It's just keeping those cheat days to a minimum.

Another thing that has always been helpful for me is to set goals for myself, just not huge unattainable goals (like I'm going to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks!). My first goal is to lose 5 pounds by my birthday (which is the end of next month), I think this should be pretty easy for me to reach. I'm already down 1.4 pounds, so I just need to continue on. It's about a month away so 4 pounds in 4 weeks. Then from there, I'll set another goal and so on and so forth. I think this will really help. I also planned out our dinners for the next two weeks and really put a lot of thought into it. The recipes are all on the healthier side and usually when I do this it all goes out the window but I'm really going to put forth the most effort I can into making what I planned for every night. I even made a list (which I rarely do) and followed it (which I NEVER do) when I went grocery shopping. I only got two or three things that weren't on the list. So, I'm set for this week and next week with dinners.  Tonight is "Zucchini stuffed taco boats" with a side of rice. They look REALLY good, so hoping they are as good as they look!

So that's enough rambling for today, have a lovely Monday Internet.


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