Just a no good bad day.

Today is just one of those days I want to throw in the towel. I want to crawl under the covers with a bag of candy and just stay there.  Not.a.good.day. I am overly emotional and sensitive and just having that feeling that nothing is good enough. There isn't really a reason, just one of them days (Remember that song?)

We've all been here, we've all had these days. I've gotten through these days, gone home, gone to bed and woke up the next day in a much better mood. So why is it that you can't see past these days during them?  In the past, I would get fast food (Wendy's, number one with cheese, chicken nuggets and a large coke) eat every last bit of it and then have ice cream after (chocolate, obviously).

So far today, I've resisted the temptations. I walked past the chocolate cake in the cafe without even batting an eye lash. Same with the apple pie and pumpkin pie. I had a 100 calorie pack of chocolate covered pretzels and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. I have 638 calories left for dinner.  I'm not planning on going overboard or having an entire bottle of wine (as tempting as that sounds). I'm going home and I'm going to do an intense work out that keeps my mind off of the things that had me stressed today. I'm going to punch and kick my way through the bad day and feel better about it. I'm going to feel successful when my work out is over and then I may treat myself to a glass of wine, my PJ's and tv.  

I also want to mention, I got a very inspirational text from a friend today. Thanks for that, it made me feel better on a day when I wasn't very inspired.


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