“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” ~Old Chinese Proverb

How true is this? I see a lot of these commercials and advertisements for these things that can "make you lose 50 pounds in 2 weeks!" or "Lose 20 pounds in 2 days!" OK maybe they aren't THAT drastic, but you get my point. You can't lose weight that fast and if you do, you can guarantee it is coming back on as soon as you stop doing whatever it is you were doing.

I will admit, I have definitely tried a few of these schemes. The pills, the shakes, the powders, you get the idea. I spent money on these things because I felt "there is no other way", when in reality I was just being lazy. I wanted to eat what I wanted and still lose weight, I didn't want to work out. I just wanted to LOOK better not FEEL better.  There are protein shakes that definitely help you feel better and help you after a workout, but to drink them just to lose weight is just silly. I've taken hydroxycut and it made me shaky all the time and I didn't lose any weight, I was so disappointed in the product. I should've been disappointed in myself, how could I think that was OK? Taking some chemical to help me "lose weight fast". I was putting my health in danger, because really what was I taking?  I didn't know then and I'm to afraid to find out what it is now.

The fact of the matter is that in order to lose weight you need to: watch what you eat and exercise. There it is folks, the BIG weight loss secret.  Some people have a harder time losing weight than others, but unfortunately there isn't any lose weight fast trick, it takes time and it takes patience. 


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