Tough week.

I've been having a tough week so far, regarding my body image and weight loss. Now, if you've been reading my blog you know all along that this is the major thing that I struggle with. How do I get myself into a good mindset? How do I feel that "this is good enough, I look good" ? I don't know the answer to that. I honestly, don't.

Don't get me wrong, I have been staying well under 2000 calories a day and I have worked out for the past two days. So where is all of this negativity coming from? I have this giant fear that I will hit a point and I will never lose another pound again. This thought terrifies me. Then the other thought is, how can I stay on this plan for the rest of my life? I know, it's a lifestyle change. Still though, will I ever be able to eat without counting the calories again?  Then my other thought is, what if I get down to the weight that I want to be at and I'm still not happy? What do I do then? I have so many questions that no one has the answers to. It hasn't helped that I have been starving all week, it feels like I just can't stop eating. No matter what I eat, it's not enough. We all have these weeks and I just have to remember that I am not alone in this. I have so many people that on a daily basis encourage me and that gets me through weeks like this one. 

We will just have to see what the scale says on Saturday morning.


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