The sun always comes out.

So I used a cheesy quote from Annie, don't hate. It's true.  The sun DOES come out and I AM having a better day today than I did yesterday.

For all those who are wondering, I did in fact go home and do a work out. I also had an ice cream BUT I had A LOT of calories left over. I figured it balanced itself out. The ice cream was also only 180 calories, so not that bad. Throughout this whole process I have been adamant to not restrict myself and say what I "can't" eat. That word is not good, it does not help you. It's like when you say "I can't have that it has to many calories" your brain throws this switch and goes haywire. Example: You say:  "Ha. I can't have that piece of pumpkin pie deliciousness with whipped cream!" Your brain: "OMG. I NEED that PIE to LIVE! If I do not have a piece of pie I WILL die" so what can you do? Your brain is telling you in order to survive, you need pie, cake or whatever it is you want to have. So, you cave. You have that ice cream... then you feel you say " Welp. I already blew all of my calories today, might as well keep going!". It's how it goes for most of us unfortunately.  I get a lot of people who tell me that my will power is "crazy", here is my secret: I have no will power. I really don't. If I want something, I eat it. I make myself work out longer or I go without a little extra at dinner, but I have what I want. Now, this doesn't necessarily apply to everything.. for example, I may WANT wendy's,Taco Bell or KFC every now and then. But that is one thing I won't give in on. I ate way to much fast food for way to long and have given it up, maybe not forever but for now. There is just no way I can go into one of those places and control myself. 

Every day is a fresh start, when I wake up in the morning I no longer think "I ate really crappy yesterday. There's no point to try and eat better today". Every day I wake up and say "I'm going to control myself better today" if I had a bad day the day before. Also, upping my calories has definitely helped my mental health. I do not feel like I am starving myself or super anxious all the time over food. I keep a good record of what I am eating every day and so far (other than my crazy weekend) I have had at least 100 calories leftover.

Everyday is a new opportunity to start over.


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