Another one bites the dust..

And another one gone and another one gone..another one bites the dust. There. Now you ALL have Queen stuck in your head. You're welcome ;)

What I Meant by that was that another pound bites the dust. Yup. Down one more.  Two pounds left till I'm at the halfway point, two pounds till I'm back to where I was over a year ago. Then I begin the journey of trying to lose the weight that has been on there for quite some time.  I was thinking last night how great it feels to not be "afraid" to look at the scale anymore, I am not where I want to be (yet) but I am not afraid of the numbers I see. I'm a work in progress which is always a good thing, when we stop working on ourselves and trying to improve it's almost as if we "give up" on who we are. No one is perfect and I don't think anyone really tries to be perfect, but we all try to best of ourselves we can be. I lost my way for awhile, I look back on my past posts and it brings tears to my eyes. I had given up on myself, I had lost faith in myself and stopped thinking about what I could do to better myself and had just settled for who I was at the time. I've been doing this since August and I feel like every day is a step in a new direction and a new way to make things better.

Life may have it's ups and downs but it's what we do when we are in the down swing that really matters. The ups are a breeze, but it's the downs that make us who we really are and that build strength and character.

Happy Friday :)


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