Well after a bit of a drought I finally lost weight, 1.6 pounds to be exact! I had known it would happen like that, it's just hard when you are dealing with it and not seeing any results. I've been sticking to my calories and not going over to much, the weekends are still hard to keep track of (mainly because I am always on the move) but I do my best. I have found that I don't really eat much on the weekends but I don't necessarily eat healthy either. So, something I'm  always working on. Still working out! I've been doing HIIT (which stands for High Intensity Interval Training, in case you are like me and had to ask/look it up haha) and it's a killer! Lot's of squats, burpees, push ups..etc. but it really gives me the burn I'm looking for. Plus, it's enough to keep me entertained since I tend to get bored easily with a work out. I'm starting to work on putting together a work out for each day of the week (in addition to my morning run/walk) to try and burn more calories. I don't know if it'll actually happen but I'm going to give it a shot. Once it's complete I'll post it if anyone is interested in it :) It's going to basically be a compilation of work outs I found on Pinterest pretty much.

Anywho. Just going to keep on going! I'm happy I lost weight, but it doesn't make me lose sight of the fact that I know have 52 pounds to lose instead of 53 :)

Onward and Upward..(or downward rather!)


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