It's never too late.

Since I started blogging (even before I had my son) I've had people tell me "I wish I had your motivation, but I'm to old/lazy/tired/fat". To me that is silly. Unless you psychically cannot move a single muscle in your body it is not to late. I've seen people in wheelchairs working out at the gym, getting on the benches and lifting weights. It's incredible.  If someone like that can get into the gym to workout, then you can too. I will let you all in on a little secret: I'm tired too. I'm exhausted by the end of the day, I usually can barely keep my eyes open past 8pm (it's true, I'm usually passed out on the couch every night by 8:30 if I'm not in bed already).  The one thing that will stop you though, is having a negative attitude. Telling yourself or anyone else that you can't basically means you can't. I don't wake up with a positive attitude every day, there are a lot of days I wake up and I am pretty much hating life and wondering why I put myself through this torture. I push through it though and that's the only way it works. You don't quit your job when you're having a bad day or your in a bad mood, right? You have to keep going. You can't just...stop. You have to keep doing it. I look at my workouts and my eating healthier as part of my job, except I'm being paid in my health which is much more valuable to me than money.

I will be honest with all of you, I really ate like crap up until about 5 or 6 years ago. Vegetables barely ever passed my lips. I ate A LOT of fast food/junk food/ice cream. I would eat ice cream every.single.night.  and didn't think anything of it. I drank soda non stop and barely ever touched water. I was sick all the time, between colds/stomach issues/headaches.. it was all really bad.. I would say about every other week I had something going on. I had my gallbladder out and still ate like crap. Then I started drinking more water, I stopped eating fast food (for the most part)..slowly things started to change. I started eating salads too and looking into finding a healthier alternative to the things I would normally eat. Then, 3 years ago, I really started to watch what I was eating, I ate fairly clean for about 6 months, then when I was pregnant yes I did indulge quite a bit. Now I'm back to eating more like I was before. I will say, a lot of my stomach issues are gone. Every now and then I'll have a day where all is not well but that's pretty rare. This was something I struggled with since I was a kid. My headaches? not quite as frequent, they still come pretty regularly but they are there for different reasons. I have a cold every now and then, but I don't catch everything my son has and usually get really sick once or twice a year. As opposed to every other week before. This is proof that eating healthier and cutting back on the things that you may love (like ice cream for me) means that you will FEEL better. Oh one other thing, when I'm eating healthier my thyroid usually regulates so when I was losing weight a few years ago I was off my thyroid medication completely for a year. I went back on when I was pregnant because it can be very dangerous for a pregnant woman with a thyroid issue so they kept it regulated my entire pregnancy. I'm still on it now, but working on getting it back to normal so I can go off it again. I still eat some junk food and I'm still working on getting back to where I was before, but I know it's possible.

I don't have all the answers and I don't judge my friends/family that don't eat like me. I'm just trying to give the people that say they want to have my motivation and drive the facts to know that they really can do what I've done before and am working towards doing again.


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