Stronger than I've been before

I realize I just quoted Ariana Grande, don't hate. This is one of the new songs that I've been running to and it's one of those ones that keeps you going.  Mostly because in my head I'm thinking "YEAH! I'M STRONGER THAN I'VE BEEN BEFORE!" so I keep going instead of thinking "I'M GONNA DIE IF I DON'T STOP" so yeah. It helps. 

I've reached week 4 of C25k, I'm really in it and I'm really committing myself to it. It's crazy to think that in two weeks I should be running for 20 minutes straight, I'm not so sure I believe I'll be at that point, but I'm going to try like hell.  Looking ahead on the app I've noticed that I've never gone past week 6 (it's a 9 week program), so I'm going to get to the end and be a C25K graduate. My first big step towards that is hopefully going to get fitted for some new running shoes, I've gotten some killer shin splints and calf cramps lately. I'm assuming not hydrating enough and having the wrong shoes is not helping me. So, that's my step towards really committing myself to this.  My goal is to run a 5k and not stop. So we'll see how that goes, once I achieve that I'll move onto my next goal (not sure what that is just yet).  I'm already nervous about week 5, which is 8 minutes straight of running. Feels like a lot, a big jump from 5, although I guess it's only 3 minutes more than I'm running before. 

I also can't even imagine being at a point where I could run 26.2 miles. It just does not seem possible. At all. I've walked 26 miles, that was hard enough. Big props to all those marathoners out there today!

My eating has been ehhh not so great. I really have to start getting more seriously into logging my food and being better about what I'm eating. I'm either not eating enough and then eating junk when I do eat or I'm eating too much. You know what they say, diet is 80% and exercise is only 20% (or something crazy like that). So far today has been really good, I just need to reign it in and stop giving myself excuses. I am planning on a lot of veggie heavy dinners this week, so that will help!

Onward and upward..


  1. Thanks for the link, I will definitely check it out! I


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