What a big difference a year makes.

There was one picture of me that really hit me hard and made me realize how much weight I had actually gained. It was a picture of my family at my Son's baptism last year, here was a great day with my friends and family celebrating my baby boy and the only thing I can think about and remember is how awful I looked. We took another family picture on Father's Day and I decided to compare the two photos. Wow.  I am so proud of how far I've come both physically and emotionally, my confidence is slowly coming back. I was really nervous (and still am) about sharing this comparison so I decided to share with my wonderful group of girlfriends. Their responses brought me to tears, seriously. These ladies have been such a great source of motivation and help me keep going this past year. So with their boosts of confidence, I decided to share with my readers as well. I still have 25 more lbs to lose until I am where I want to be and I'll get there, but for now I'm celebrating my halfway point.


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