C25K and beyond

So, this morning I did week 9 day 2 of couch 2 5k, technically I guess I am a C25K grad (even though I still have one day left).  I think that because I have been doing a 5k the last 2 runs, so I really did what the program set out for me to do. I actually went from the couch to running a 5k, pretty sweet! I was thinking back when I first started during this mornings run and really got emotional, 9 weeks ago I could barely struggle through the 1 minute run. I think I was under 2 miles that first week and now I've broken the 3 mile barrier.  It was a great feeling and I will admit that I got a bit choked up thinking about it, I really thought I would never run like this again. Never did I think I would be contemplating what comes AFTER C25K, yet here we are. So once I finish up this last run, I will be starting the 5k-10k. I'm nervous thinking about starting it, terrified actually. I feel much the same way as I did when I started C25K and that almost helps, knowing that I got through this program and I will get through the next. Once I finish that (depending on timing, there may be some crossover), I'll be moving on to the 13.1 training. My ultimate goal is to run a half marathon by the end of the year and this is the half I am thinking of running: http://www.yukanrun.com/Stache-Halfe.html it looks like a lot of fun! I was thinking of doing the South Shore half but I think I like the course better on this one. So, that is my goal, I'm signing up for it soon and then, it's on.  I think the fact that it is so far away is helping me not be as terrified of it. I'm sure as November gets closer I will be a nervous wreck.

The next step for me aside from running is getting my eating under control. Seriously the exercise is nothing compared to the food aspect of this. I'm not quite sure how to approach this since my usual tactics aren't really working. I have a 28 day challenge that I'm thinking about doing, it's the FitGirl challenge if you've ever heard of it and they give you the meal plans/grocery lists/exercises etc. and it's pretty awesome. People have been getting AMAZING results on their insta. So I think I will try that, I have to be strict about it because I've been SO lenient lately that I basically haven't made any progress.  I also think that when I do the challenge, I'm not going to weigh in until the end. I think it might help me not to focus so much on the numbers and just to focus on how I feel. Fingers crossed this works for me. Getting into the "eating better" mindset is a lot harder than getting into the "work out" mindset.

Thanks to all my friends and family who've supported me through this whole process <3 It's the best feeling knowing that you've got people behind you, cheering you on.


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