Overcoming road blocks

Ah. So, I've written about this a few times and had a plan that didn't necessarily pan out.  It's been hard to get back to focusing on what my end goal is. I could use the excuse that we've been busy and that I've been stress eating etc. but really, that's all it is, just excuses. Facing this head on is what I should be doing to get back on track. I'm not taking care of myself, not taking my vitamins or exercising regularly and eating whatever is easiest and not necessarily healthiest. I'm feeling so tired and sick again and the reason being is because I'm just not doing the things I need to do to feel good.  So here I am, getting back on the road to wellness, I suppose you could say. I'm going to outline my plan and hope that it helps me stick to it.

So the first thing I have started doing is counting calories again. This was what made me successful before, owning up to what I am eating and not hiding behind that unknown or thinking that things are less calories than they are. Lying to myself and saying it's ok to have a cheat because I've been doing so well, doesn't really work when I'm not actually doing well. Ha. So there's that. My Fitness Pal has always worked for me, it keeps me honest. It also gives me that support system of people going through the same thing and inspiring me by making the good choices every day. I have to work on two major things: Weekends and special events.I lose all control when it's the weekend, I'll eat whatever I want, same with special events or at BBQs. I just can't pass up good food, which is fine but I'm not compensating for that. I'm not saying "Well I have a party to go to this weekend, so I'm going to eat well for the week and then the day of, I'll make sure to save my calories for that night". Instead it's meh. I'm going to have what I want regardless of the calories. This is how I am not where I want to be. THIS is my major issue. Now, I'm giving myself credit where it's due because we have a lot less processed food in our house right now then I ever have. When I shop, I shop the outside aisles and buy everything fresh. So the things I'm doing are helping me on the right track, but that doesn't mean I'm not overeating.

The next part to this is exercise. I've been focusing on running for so long and neglecting the rest of my body. I partially blame this on my FitBit because I'm so invested in getting those steps in that I don't want to do any cross training (because I want more steps and they don't necessarily register on my FitBit). So my legs are pretty decent but the rest of my body is not. I've started finding daily workouts I can do to help tone my body because right now I am incredibly weak so I definitely have to work on that. I will say, I did a leg/ab workout on Friday and I am still sore right now. It's definitely a good sore, but man it was rough. I couldn't even do the repetitions of it, I only got through one round. So it really goes to show that I am seriously out of shape despite my running ability. I did a workout last night after my son went to bed and that was tough as well! I just can't keep up, but I'm going to continue to work on it.

So there is somewhat of a plan it's pretty simple and straightforward. I know I have to get back on track with eating before anything else goes how I want it to. Nutrition is the most important but is also my biggest downfall.

On and on it goes.. it's a never ending battle.  I just have to focus on one day at a time. I remember something Andie Mitchell said in her book and it really resonated with me, I can't remember the exact quote but it was something like "Can you just not binge today?" now I'm not necessarily a binge eater  but it still helps me if I can modify it a bit "Can you just eat healthy today" just worry about today, not tomorrow, next week or next month.

Thank you to my friends and family who have supported me through this. It means more to me than you will ever know.


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