Day 1 of the Detox.

I think I mentioned in my Jimmy Fund post that I was planning on doing a detox this week. Well I started yesterday. To give you all an idea, this is a 5 day plan that cuts out sugar/dairy/carbs from your diet for 5 days. Then, you slowly start to introduce these things back into your diet (while eating a ton of vegetables).  

I was prepared to be miserable yesterday, prepared to breakdown and not be able to handle it, I was not prepared to be fine. Which is what I was. I had a slight headache and yes, I was hungry but I was not STARVING like I thought I would be and I didn't feel like I was going to pass out from low blood sugar. Before anyone has a panic attack, trust me I am eating three meals a day along with a snack in between. Everything I am eating is whole foods so it's incredibly healthy. My body is responding to it, I can already tell. I had so much energy yesterday which is bizarre as I have not felt that way in a long time. I did not get that hazy feeling I usually get halfway through the day which was excellent! I am also taking my vitamins again, so I'm sure that helps! Then I had a big moment (well big for me) last night. My husband and I went out after work to an event, normally I would say to myself "Well since we're going out I'll have to eat something unhealthy" and use that as an excuse. Not yesterday. Yesterday I planned ahead and packed my dinner in my lunch bag, I had my dinner around 4pm (2 small turkey burgers with mushroom/spinach, guacamole, salsa and a side of almonds). I was so proud that I was able to say I stuck with it even when going out. 

Last night I even got our lunches ready (Which is not something I will usually do when coming home late) and I was prepared for today. I have not felt this energized and excited about eating healthy or weight loss in a long time. I have not felt so optimistic about how things were going to progress in a long time either. I feel ready for this, ready for an actual change. I know this was only day 1 but I feel extremely proud of myself that I got that far and I'm confident that I can complete the 5 days.  I definitely couldn't have this feeling without the support of my friend who is helping me with this and who recommended it. She had been telling me about it for so long and doing her very best to gently convince me that I should give it a try. I'm so glad I finally listened to her, she wasn't selling me anything, just being there and wanting to help me because she saw me struggling. I'm very lucky to have such wonderful and supportive friends who know when to push and when to ease off. <3


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