The secret to success, new goals and looking for a buddy.

So my Birthday has passed and I'm 30 now. I will say that I had an excellent Birthday, I had a great beach day and lunch at a lovely seafood place on the beach and then my family threw me an amazing surprise party. It really was wonderful and I felt so loved. <3

Now onto business. I've been thinking a lot about how to force myself to get back on track because I've really been struggling. I kept telling myself that after my Birthday I was going to make a plan, well here we are. I've been using every excuse in the back to not work out or not eat healthy. So the key to my success is really planning ahead, every day and for every meal. I can't plan just for dinner, I have to plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner and then stick to it. The prepping is really the hardest part, being a working Mom (Even if a lot of the time I'm working from home) is tough. Finding the time to get everything ready and actually doing it is really hard! On a Sunday afternoon I'd much rather spend the time with my son at the park than prepping for the week in the kitchen. Though this is something that I really want and so I have to sacrifice for not only my own health but my family's health as well.  We've been eating way too much pasta and not enough vegetables. It all snowballs and here we are.  So, I'm working on setting up my own template to just pop my meals into then from there working on a grocery list. With Fall upon us there's lots good veggie heavy wholesome crock pot meals to be made as well, yum.

As far as my new goals, well, my major goal is to lose the rest of this weight (30 pounds to be exact) by my 31st Birthday. The 30 by 30 didn't work out so well so maybe I'll do 31 just to keep things even ;) 31 by 31. I have a whole year to get there and 31 pounds in 12 months is not super overwhelming! I've come so far from where I was. I will say, I saw a lot of friends and people I haven't seen in awhile on Saturday night and a few people came up to me to tell me how different and great I looked. It really makes me realize how far I have come. I look back at pictures (especially our family pictures we took last September) and I cringe a little looking at myself. I feel good knowing that when we take family pictures this year, I'll look a lot more comfortable with who I am. I also am hoping to just be in SHAPE. I've gotten so much better (walking upstairs isn't a killer anymore) but I just want to be healthy. I want to FEEL good every day instead of being sore and tired all of the time. I got my blood tested and my usual reasons for feeling tired are normal  (thyroid and iron). So it's really just keeping up with my vitamins and cutting back on the things that make me sluggish/tired.

I'm hoping to have a buddy to do this with, would anyone like to help keep me accountable by checking in on Sundays? Just a quick 1:1 "did you meal plan? what's for this week? what's the workout plan for this week?" Someone who is looking to do this with me. I think I'm better with 1:1 than in a group so if anyone is interested in starting this with me, let me know. I'm starting a meal planning board on Pinterest so I can gladly add you as a contributor :) And if there IS more than one person we could do a group text every week too. Please let me know!

Thanks for bearing with me while I figure this out. I love the support I get from my friends and family.


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