Keepin' it real

So I know I haven't written much lately, I just haven't had much to say to be honest! I have been trying to behave with food (trying!) and so far I've been doing well. I've even lost another pound or so, which is great! I've completely fallen off the running bandwagon, as in I'm in the woods somewhere and the bandwagon is already at the destination. So I do belong to a runners group on Facebook and I asked what the best way to get back into it was other than the main response of "just do it" the common theme was to start with 20 minutes and ease into it. So that's what I'm going to do, 20 minutes is nothing. I've been running for 20 minutes for over 6 months now. So I say now. This morning I DID come to work all set to work out, only to find that my keycard for the gym AND the locker room didn't work, I was bummed. I was trying to wait around to see if someone would come at the same time to let me in..but after about 20 minutes of waiting I just decided to get ready and get to work. I won't lie I'm bummed because I had really been looking forward to this, Maybe I can give it a shot during lunch today if I have a break in my day.  Otherwise, tomorrow it is. 

I've also been really thinking a lot about balance, most days I feel like I'm running around in circles and can't catch my breath. Between family, work, home.. etc. there's just too much to get done and not enough time to do it in. What usually happens is I get so overwhelmed that NOTHING gets done and I end up wanting to cry. I've started making a lot of lists at work and they seem to help, I also have been doing this *somewhat* at home to try and stay on top of things. I've been really pushing myself to get things done at night so I can keep up with the house etc. problem with this is that I lose time with my little guy and by the time I get him to bed, I just want to go to sleep myself! It's tough being a working parent, it really is.. you always feel like you're behind or missing out on something. I think Monday and Tuesday is the hardest because it's been 2 great days of spending time together as a family and then...everyone is back to work/daycare etc. I suppose I'm just venting, no real solution here. Just as the title says..Keepin' it real.


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