When things don't go as planned..

This morning has been tough so far and it's only 6AM. I woke up at 4, got everything together and headed into the office, I got here and dropped my laptop off then headed downstairs to the gym. I went to the locker room to put my bag down and.. my keycard didn't work. Crap. I had gotten an e-mail from a friend saying they were having issues but that was a few weeks back and I had already gone and had it checked with the building people to make sure it was working, they assured me it was. I should've tried it. So, I wasn't able to get into the gym, I thought about going for a run outside anyways, but then realized no one would want to sit near me if I worked out and wasn't able to take a shower afterwards. So, I had to get ready and come to work an hour and a half early.  I'm really frustrated because I finally am ready to get back on the workout bandwagon and this happens. The good news is that I can always work out tonight at home :) It may not be a run but at least I'll be burning calories!

I'm really debating on joining a gym, there's a big one that's right in the middle of work/home that has tons of perks/classes etc. but it's super expensive. I'm debating. My company pays back a good chunk of money towards fitness so it wouldn't be as much as it actually is one I was reimbursed. It's either that or trying CrossFit which I know so many people rave about. I feel like I really need to be in some sort of program where I can be held accountable, running is great but I'm not driven to do it and I don't have anyone that I run with saying "OK, let's go!" and running with me. I know it sounds silly that at 30  years old I need someone else to boost my motivation, but, it is what it is.

In other news, I've got my healthy food packed for today and I've got lunch prepared for the week (Sweet potatoes) and I've got my smoothie for breakfast this morning along with fruit and vegetables for snacks throughout the day.

I try to put motivational sayings on the wall in my cubicle so that I'm reminded of what I'm working towards (especially when I want to stress eat). My favorite is "A year from now you will wish you had started today". Holds very true! I wish that a year ago I had been taking my eating/exercise seriously and had achieved my goals already, but, it's just a good reminder to keep getting back onto the bandwagon and to keep going.


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