
Thank you Sweet Jesus it is Friday! For some reason this has felt like the longest week, even though I had Tuesday off.

Anywho, I haven't been posting many updates lately, mainly because there really hasn't been much to update on, I've been slacking big time and trying not to show it. :) This week I made a change though and put myself back into gear. I've tracked my food each and every day on myfitnesspal and have been sticking to my "no gluten during the day" rule and I've been taking my vitamins every day. I've also been using a different mindset of logging my food, when I go to eat something I ask myself "would I want to log this onto my food diary?" if the answer is no, I usually will put it back. I haven't had many cravings and I think the reason being is that I've been satisfying my cheese and chocolate cravings (my usual two downfalls) with having a piece of cheese a day and sticking to Lunabars as well as Kind bars. I've also been experimenting with my dinners, though my husband was not so happy that we had quinoa twice this week (he's not a fan), I loved it. All meals have been healthy and served with vegetables (usually I'll cop out a few times a week and we'll have something easy but not necessarily healthy and I have a hard time with adding in vegetables too). I make a smoothie every night for breakfast the next morning and that has been super helpful too! We're all getting extra vegetables (well, except for my 2 year old who refuses anything that isn't dairy) and feeling healthier. I'm focused and I'm making my health and weight a priority. I was going to try and not weigh myself until Monday but I snuck a peek this morning and I am at my lowest weight since having my son. I'm not logging it because my official weigh in day is Monday, but it's good to know :) and we will see what Mondays weight is!

I'm going to a few workout classes next week with a friend so I'm excited for that! Otherwise still trying to figure out what I want to do next for exercise and trying to get back into running.

So today is a good day :) 


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