Feeling good!

So this past weekend I attended my husband's work holiday party, it's always at a beautiful place and everyone gets very dressed up. I did my first Rent The Runway and was to be honest a bit nervous. The dress I was wearing was..not my usual type of dress. I am mostly a LBD type of girl, so a dress with gold sparkles all over it is a bit intimidating to me. Well, the dress was a hit. I felt great and confident in it, better than I think I have ever felt in something (other than my wedding dress). The party this year was almost a year exactly to the one last year so I was able to do a pretty good comparison and it just reminds me that I've come so very far.

I lost another .6 pounds (or something like that) which brought me down to the "other side" of the 160s, which is a good feeling! I haven't been here for a long time! Cutting gluten down has been hard but after eating a lot over the weekend (holiday parties/birthday parties can do that to you!) I can feel a significant difference and it's an indication that I'm doing the right thing. I also had my yearly physical yesterday and my doctor commented on my weight loss, I told him about the gluten and the studies I had read online and he agreed that yes, gluten can be detrimental to thyroid hormones and that I was probably doing the best thing for myself by cutting it down. I got a bit annoyed that he hadn't told me that before and I had to find it out on my own, but then again, he isn't an endocrinologist. So I'll  likely find out today what effect the cutting down on gluten has had on my thyroid from my blood work and we go from there! Eventually I would love for it to be so normal that I don't have to take the hormone anymore. He also encouraged me to get back into exercising, which I told him is definitely in my plans.

So this has overall was a positive appointment and things will continue in this direction! Hopefully the next time I see him I will be down at my goal weight and more importantly, be healthy!


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