"You'll feel way worse if you stop"
I went for a run today, I mean it is 55 degrees out at the end of February, I kind of had to. This is week four day two of C210K (which is basically c25k and c210k combined). So, this week is you run for 3 minutes, walk for 90 seconds, run for 5 minutes, walk for 3 minutes, run for 3 minutes, walk for 90 seconds and then run for 5 minutes. So basically two of each time segment and it seemed like it would be easy, nope. That's just a big fat nope. I did stop twice on this run for about 20 seconds, I just felt like I was going to completely pass out and convinced myself I had to. It helped and I was able to push through, but I'm still a bit disappointed that I stopped at all. Anyways, in the last 5 minute run interval I really was struggling. I decided to run through the park which was uneven and uphill (this was not my smartest idea), I had about 90 seconds left of running and I really just wanted to stop. I was having such a big argument with myself about it in my head. Then...