Keep it up.

Today I started a new program, well, I guess it's not really new since I've done this..twice before..but, I started Couch to 10k. The program basically combines couch to 5k and 10k, so you don't stop or graduate until you get to the 10k. I need it. I really, really need it. I love having a program that I can do because it keeps me going and keeps me moving, it's working towards a goal so it helps. The one thing I'm doing differently with this round is that I'm working on my speed too, I was going really easy on myself (especially when doing the treadmill) and I wouldn't go past the the 5 speed on the treadmill but today I pushed it to 5.5 and then did 6.0 a few times. I really want to get back to that 30 5k. It really felt good to work out and put myself first this morning, I didn't think about anything else but putting one foot in front of the other.

My 31st Birthday is a little over 6 months away (I can't believe it's been 6 months since I turned 30!) and I've made ZERO progress towards my goal of 30 pounds by 31. I don't want to end 31 like I ended 30 by being disappointed in how I did with my goals. So, I'm doing 31 by 31 (ha..just added another pound on there to keep things even). I also have 255 miles to run in 2016..soo..better get on that. 

I also want to include some of the thoughts I have while running because I know that some of my friends can relate:
Start: This feels great! Woo! Let's GO. You are a rockstar.
First run interval: YEAH I'm running! Get IT.
Second run interval: Yep. Feeling GOOOOOOOOOOD. I am a running freak. I could run for an hour and not stop! 
Third run interval: OK, a little harder this time..but seriously I am crushing this. Look at me in the mirror, running and s*** I'm awesome.
 Fourth run interval: Sweet Jesus. This is hard. 
Fifth run interval: Yep might be dying.
Sixth run interval (upped it to 6.0): Definitely dying
Seventh run interval: This is it. my last stand. SEND HELP. AND WINE.
Eight run interval: DEAD.RIP ME.
Cooldown: What? That's it? I'm a ROCKSTAR. 


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