Ch Ch Ch Changes

The past few years I've made a lot of changes to my habits, most have been good and have stuck. The no soda thing? That's 1 year going strong and I have no desire to drink it anymore which is GREAT. Every now and then I'll get a craving but it's nothing that I can't ignore or drink a seltzer water to get rid of. I've also cut down on my seltzer water so basically I'm just drinking plain water all day. If you had told me 5 years ago that I'd be able to completely stop drinking soda I would have laughed in your face, it was such a huge part of my daily routine. I've also stopped using milk/cream in my coffee and switched to raw sugar, this is a more recent change but I am a big fan. I really love my coffee in the morning, just something about sitting down with a cup of hot coffee in the morning is relaxing to me. I don't think I could give up coffee entirely, but I've tried to limit the amount I drink (2 cups a day - maybe not ideal but better than the 3 - 4 I was drinking before). I've also been working really hard to make healthier recipes for my family for dinner, it's difficult to keep a variety and some weeks we eat way more pasta than we should, but I do my best.

I was thinking this morning on the treadmill of how far I've come and I'm really proud of that. I think about when I graduated high school so many years ago and how I ate and it turns my stomach. I ate Wendy's (number 1 with cheese only and a 6 piece nugget) or Pizza every single day and never drank water, no wonder I had so many issues with my stomach. The only reason I didn't weigh 500 pounds was because I walked 4 miles every day to and from school. I've finally realized that I really need to take care of myself to keep myself in check and healthy. My whole point is that it's really f'ing hard to change your habits, but it can be done. Even on my days( or weeks/months) where I eat  over my calories or fried foods, I'm still doing better than I was 13 years ago and my body is still healthier than I was 13 years ago and that is something to be majorly proud of. I've come SO far. 

I just have to look at that when I have my off days and keep pushing myself. I have goals and it's taking me longer to reach them than I imagined when I first started, but I'm still getting there. I've fallen off the bandwagon more times than I can count but I still get back on and I'm still making progress. 


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