It's a new week!

I haven't really been writing lately, I'm finding it hard to stay in the groove.  I write when I'm doing well because of course I have good things to write about. I try to write when I'm not doing so well and usually end up deleting the post 4 times before just quitting all together.

Here is my struggle: I cannot for the life of me stay with this running thing. I am having the hardest time staying motivated to go out and run! It's beautiful out in the morning, I can get up at 5am and have my run done by 6, get home and get my day started. I just have such a hard time actually getting up and getting out there.  I know it's a matter of having that push, I just, I'm not even really sure why I can't. Then if I don't get up, I think that I'll be able to get out and go for a run during the day, well with my new workload, that doesn't happen either.  I've been trying to do a lot of workouts I found on Pinterest because those can be done quickly and I don't have to go anywhere, so that's helping somewhat! 

I also know that I have to get my food under control, lots of eating and not a whole lot of calorie counting = Bad news bears. Sooo..we're back on the calorie counting bandwagon and I'm focusing on that. Focus is the word of the day: Focus on the improvements...focus on the good things. 

I'm feeling good today and not the lazy tired way I was feeling last week.


  1. Keep going girl! Im proud of you

  2. I just started my calorie counting again today, too. I've been bad. Drowning my sorrows in food lately. Thankfully, haven't gained anything. We can do this though!!!! You're a great inspiration to me!!


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