Professional Help?

It's been about 5 years or so that I've been calorie counting etc. but I've never really had a really good grasp about WHAT exactly I should be eating. I know the basics, but the balance and how much I should actually be eating has always been a mystery to me. So, I decided to reach out to my doctors office and see if I could get a referral to see a nutritionist. They got back to me and have one right in the office that I go to (great!) and they will contact me to schedule an appointment. I am for some reason nervous about this, I am sure they will tell me I need to lose a decent amount of weight and that I'm probably not eating as well as I should be. It'll be nice to actually have a good and strong foundation to build on though, instead of just guessing "this is how much I need to eat" and I should only have this amount of carbs and sugar a day etc. I'm also hoping it helps me figure out why I feel so.. blah all of the time. I refuse to believe that feeling tired and crappy is just a way of life, there has to be a better way to live. It surprises me that I feel this way STILL because my thyroid is as normal as it has ever been, I think.

Aside from all of that, I've been eating SO well this week, staying within my calories and eating incredibly healthy.I made THE best dinner the other night and it was so easy, which is key for me since I have to make a dinner for myself and one for my family as well. It was Shrimp,Kale and sweet potato mix? I guess? I don't really know what to call it. Anyways, I peeled and diced one medium sized sweet potato and threw it in a pan with some olive oil and got that cooking at a pretty decent temp (I'd say Med-High). Once the sweet potato started to soften, I minced some fresh garlic and threw that in with the sweet potato. I don't like to char my garlic because I feel like it doesn't taste as good, so I waited a bit since I knew the sweet potato would take some time. Once the garlic started to get cooking really good, I put about 3 cups of Kale in. I will say this, I am not a fan of kale no matter what I've done, I've never been able to get past the aftertaste. However! In this dish, it was really good! So once that all started to mix together, I seasoned with salt/pepper and then threw the shrimp in. The shrimp was the easy part, shrimp takes just a few minutes to cook. I put a little more olive oil on top to coat the shrimp and let it all cook for a few minutes, once I noticed the shrimp was done I removed it all from the heat and served immediately. I will definitely make this again and it was really low calorie, I also felt full after! Last night wasn't anything exciting, just salmon and broccoli. So far this week, I've only eaten fish for dinner, I had no idea it was so low calorie! I'm not very good at cooking seafood, but I'm working on it! I'm going to try and eat less meat during the week, I just feel like cutting down on that will help. 

I'm still working on getting the workout portion of this whole thing on track, but I figure focusing on this will help first.



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