Small changes to lead to big changes

I've been gone for awhile, I know. Trust me, I know. I've been having such a hard time finding something that I can stick to and for the longest time I couldn't figure out why, I've been gaining weight back and I'm really sad and ashamed about that. I know I need to get recommitted and finally lose this last 30 pounds that I've been working towards for 3 years now. YES THREE YEARS. Ugh.

So I'm getting back to it, I'm going to make three small goals for each week and just focus on those. It won't be major changes at first, I'll work up to that, but it'll be something at least. I'm also really considering joining a gym, my company pays for a good amount of a gym membership so I really don't have an excuse. Working from home as much as I thought it would make things easier, has made me lazier so I think I need something to get me out of the house for a little while each day. Plus with the winter coming running outside is not ideal and I also want to work on my strength as well.

Alright so here we go, week 1, my three goals for this week are:
1.)  Log food for this week, every day - doesn't matter what the food is (though it should be healthy we'll see how that goes)
2.) Workout for 10 minutes a day
3.) Eat veggies at least once a day (I've been really bad about that lately!)

So those are my three goals for this week. Would you like to join me?


  1. You can do it, Krys! I'll try to do it with you if you need a buddy! Are you on MyFitnessPal?


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