
Today marks two years since I officially gave up soda. I can't believe it, I've never gone this long and I'm SO proud of myself for it! To understand why I feel this way, let's go back in time.. growing up all I drank was soda, water was gross. I would wake up, go to school and go directly to the soda machines, get a mountain dew and drink it all before 8am. Always had a bottle of soda with me during the day at school and most days my lunch was only soda and a candy bar (seriously). I would get the supersized coke at McDonald's every time. When I met my husband, I was drinking soda constantly (this was 9 years ago), in fact the first real conversation we had was when I was going to get a soda in the vending machine at work. I've had several cavities over the years, one root canal and most of the enamel has worn off my teeth. I had digestive issues and migraines constantly, I never considered that this was having such an adverse affect on my health. As time went on, I drank less and less of it, my husband is not a soda drinker at all. We didn't really keep it in the house and if we did, it was gone instantly (because of me). So I gave it up once here and there, then I got pregnant and I allowed myself to have one coke a day, then I became a new Mom who was tired all of the time and didn't want to drink obscene amounts of coffee, so when I went back to work I was drinking more soda to get me through the day. Well I saw an article about how much it can affect your health and actually hurt you and that really sparked something in me. I stopped drinking it altogether and I have noticed a HUGE difference, when I first "quit" I had to drink seltzer water to keep the cravings at bay, then over time I stopped that too. I drink tons of water now and love it, all I want is water. I had a soda awhile back and couldn't finish it, the taste was too sweet and I could feel the sugar on my teeth. I'm so proud of how far I've come. My stomach is a lot better now and my migraines have become more and more rare, I used to get bad ones once a month but now I've gone months without one. 

So with all that being said, I know I've been a slacker lately! This week I prepped my lunches and have our dinners planned. I'm also starting to cut back on coffee, I know, I know I'm crazy. My love for coffee is deep, but it's getting to be a bit much. So, one cup a day it is! I'm having a hot water with lemon prior to my coffee to hopefully help stem some of the cravings and we're on day 2, so far it's helping!  Now to get back to working out, but one step at a time! I will do this.


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