I'm a preschool Mom!

 It's finally the day! Our little boy is in school, right now. We had a great morning getting ready, he woke up bright and early (of course) and had breakfast and his milk, watched a show and was chomping at the bit to get ready for school. 

I on the other hand was not so chipper, I had been up since 3 with a migraine and there wasn't enough coffee in the world to help me feel more "alive". I was also emotionally a wreck of sorts, happy? yes sad? yes hungry? ALWAYS. So he had his breakfast and up we went to get dressed. He kept asking " is it time to go to school yet?" "Not yet" "k!" "Is it time to go to school yet?" Not yet, buddy. I'll let you know" 

We got all ready, he had his Dad do his hair so he looked "SO HANDSOME" in his words and he definitely did, if I do say so myself! Then told me a hundred times "Don't mess up my hair, MOM!" K.  We went over him telling the teacher when he has to go potty, what his teachers name is and that he'll get to meet new friends. I hugged him super tight before we left the house, told him I loved him and was proud of him. In the car seat he went and off we went to the school which is about ten minutes from our house. Perfect.

I saw all the buses in the driveway and just pulled in behind them. Then realized I was probably in trouble as the police officer/crossing guard walked up to my car "Crap" I muttered. I rolled ( since we don't really "roll" windows down anymore is that still the right terminology?)down my window (I'm surprised he did not drop right there at the hot mess that I was - no makeup hair thrown in some crazy style and more bags than Target under my eyes). "Is this your first time?" Me: Yes. I'm sorry, I thought this was where we went" him: *looks at me with slight annoyance but understanding* You're supposed to pull in the first drive way and get behind all the other cars. Then I wave you in, but you can stay here for now. Then pull up not even a car length past the entrance and wait" So, I did. I waited and saw the teachers come out and get all the other kids out meanwhile, mine is bouncing around in my car using my snow brush as a sword. So I panicked and got out of the car and grabbed him out of the car and ran to the front to meet the teachers. His teacher introduced herself and he went right with her, hand in hand into the school. Didn't even look back at me. 

I'm not usually the Mom that gets emotional over milestones, him growing makes me happy and proud. Seeing him as an independent, loving and outgoing person is a wonderful accomplishment as a parent. However for some reason, this time was different. I got in my car and was in tears before I even pulled out of the parking lot. Bittersweet tears, he'll always be our baby, but today he's a big boy, in his big boy school.


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