12 Days in and staying on track when sick

So I've gone 12 days without coffee. 12.days. That is the longest I have gone in a long time and I gotta say, I'm feeling pretty good about it. I don't really have that foggy feeling in the morning anymore and my tea has been working just fine. Sometimes I do miss it, like yesterday I was walking by Starbucks in Target and all I could smell was coffee, I thought about how good it would taste, but I kept on walking. My headaches are completely gone, in fact, I feel much better overall. I'm still working on keeping my energy up, which is tough because I've got a cold now, but I'm making do.

That brings me to my next topic: being sick. I've got a cold and it's not a really bad one, just enough to make me uncomfortable and annoyed with my cough. When I'm sick usually all I want to do is sleep and eat, the things I want to eat are total comfort food. So I'm trying to stay focused and eat healthy foods so that I can stay on track and feel better sooner, as I'm sure a meal full of vegetables will have a better benefit for me than say a pan of homemade mac and cheese. Don't get me wrong though, I do have balance here. I don't eat well every day and for every meal, I've had some slip ups here and there, but it's a better mentality that I'm after. When I eat something "Bad" I don't beat myself up over it, I did it, I enjoyed it and then I move onto something that is better for me next time. I've been paying more attention to my macros than I have my calories and I honestly believe that is helping me. I'm not starving all of the time, I'm usually quite full after a meal now, I'm not craving anything sweet and I'm not snacking constantly either. 

This healthy attitude towards food has seemed to work, too. Since I weighed myself last Thursday, I am down 3.6 pounds! That's great news and I'm steadily working towards my first goal which will be 5 pounds by the end of March and 10 by the end of April. 

I'm taking a few days off of working out (other than some light stretching/yoga) since I'm so congested and with having asthma, the combo could be very bad for me. I'm hoping to make it to my 8AM Power Class on Sunday though at the gym. 

Onward and upward folks.


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