Hal Higdon 10k Training

For the last few years I've been saying I wanted to do a half marathon, I had it as my ultimate goal three years ago and I still haven't achieved it. In fact, last year, it seemed so far off that I never thought I'd even come close to it. Well I'm thinking about it now and thinking I may have set my sights a wee bit high. 

The day before yesterday I went for a run, I came back a bit discouraged because I couldn't run more than 5 minutes at a time. Everything hurt and I hated every second that I was running. My lungs were BURNING, it was awful. I was a total mess. So I reached out to some of my friends and they pointed out that I was likely going too fast and should slow it down a bit. So I took their advice to heart *they are all experienced runners*and planned on applying it the next day. 

I set out yesterday and did my usual 5 minute warm up walk and started to run, I kept my pace slow and steady and focused on my breathing. I also changed my app to let me know every .25 mile so I could just keep myself from going too fast. I felt great, I even was able to keep running while I went uphill, which before was almost impossible. I had to stop once for about 30 seconds because I got a cramp, but I didn't walk I just completely stopped and stretched a bit then continued on. I made it the entire 5k, it wasn't fast and towards the end (I finished by going up a steep hill) I was really struggling but I kept going and finished. I felt so proud of myself and the 10k I was hoping for didn't seem quite so far away. 

The main reason I really wanted to get past my hurdles was because I am running a 10k in June and I was terrified I wouldn't be able to do it mainly because I can't get past the first day of training which is a 2.5 mile run. Well, now I can! 

So officially starting on Monday I will be doing the Hal Higdon 10k training Novice program. Mondays are always "Stretch and strengthen", Tuesdays are 2.5 mile runs for the first 3 weeks, then 3 miles for the remaining 5, Wednesdays are 30 min cross training, Thursdays are 2 mile + Strength, Fridays are rest, Sat is 60 min cross and Sun is the long run. Which starts at 3 Miles and goes up to 5.5. My race is more than 8 weeks out, but I wanted to leave some room for the weeks that I have events going on etc. just in case I have to make up a run on certain days.

For the rest of this week, I'm hoping to get at least 1 more run in on Friday and get some strength training in tomorrow. 

I'm really looking forward to getting this training started! So I'm thinking once I get the 10k under my belt, it might not be so impossible to train for a half. I mean, what's another 7 miles? 😉


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