
I haven't blogged in awhile, mainly because I've been busy with work/home life but I'm back! A few weeks ago I started really cutting down on my gluten and my dairy, just to see if that would have an effect on how I was feeling. Don't get me wrong, I really want to lose weight but I also just want to feel better, I've been quite miserable for awhile now with how I'm feeling so I needed to change something. I knew if I just dove right in head first, I'd probably give up within the first week, so I started slowly. It's been tough and there's been some headaches, tears and I've definitely gone off the wagon a few times but it's been helping. So far I've lost 6 pounds! Not only have I been losing weight but I've been feeling better and that's the drive that keeps me going. I'm adding a lot more vegetables into my diet and trying things I've never had before: Coconut yogurt for example, not coconut flavored yogurt but actual dairy free coconut yogurt. Surprisingly, it's REALLY good and I actually think I like it better than regular yogurt! Also having a lot of sweet potatoes and mushrooms, these are two of my favorite foods so this wasn't a hard adjustment, I love potatoes but when sweet potatoes are made the right way - they are even better (ok just let me believe that one..). I have a few books that I've been reading and using recipes from which has really helped me stay on track too.

For the exercise part of this..well that isn't going so great. I didn't want to throw myself all into it and fail so I figured I'd focus on my nutrition first - then I'll move onto my exercise. I was planning on it this week but my back had other plans. So taking a break for a few days until my back heals and then back at it.

So there's my update for today! I'm thinking of starting a FB group to help keep me focused and share recipes GF/DF etc. as well as weekly challenges, I'm in a few but I feel like running one would really help! Let me know if anyone is interested!


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