January is almost over..now what?

If you've been following along, you know that I've been doing a challenge in January of no sugar/alcohol and squats/push-ups. Well this challenge is almost over and now we're moving into a new month so today I want to focus on what worked in January and what didn't as well as what my progress was. Then I want to go into my plan for next month and to keep the momentum going.

First, I want to say that this has been quite eye opening for sure, eliminating added sugar has changed how I feel as well as made a huge impact on my weight. I will be honest when I say that some days I really want a piece of chocolate, but the cravings have for the most part subsided. I have a good protein powder and when I really need chocolate, I'll mix that with some yogurt and that helps to subside the craving. I've felt a lot better since controlling my calories and focusing on what I'm eating, I've also been within my calorie range almost every single day of this month. Doing the squats and the push-ups has really helped build my strength as well as motivate me to do other forms of exercise as well. I've started running and gotten to week 4 or C210K as well as started doing the 30 day shred from Jillian Michaels again. So now onto what you really want to know, what the result was. Well since January 1st I have lost 2 inches in both my waist and hips and I've lost a total of 7lbs since January 5th and 14.8lbs since Nov. 26th. I'm pretty excited about this and not only that but I can see the habits starting to stick. Which leads me to what I'm going to be doing for next month.. 

Next Month is a new challenge, it's going to be eating a vegetable with every meal. Yes, every single meal. This is something I majorly struggle with because I just can't force myself to eat vegetables with breakfast. I'm a fruit and yogurt girl, BUT I do need to eat more vegetables and this is the way to do it. Lunch and dinner aren't too hard since that's when I usually eat vegetables anyways, snacks could get interesting though. For the fitness side of it my goal is to continue with my C210K and continue doing at least 50 squats a day (ouch), on top of that I'm also doing a challenge in my group that includes: Lungs/Squats/Crunches and Planks. Should be fun ;). I'm making up the calendar this week so if you'd like to join us, we'd love to have you! 


  1. Great job, Krystale! Keep up the good work... so inspiring!


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