Back to this blogging thing. A post about pregnancy, weight gain and really inappropriate questions!

I've really missed blogging, I stopped because I wasn't blogging about weight loss, so I really didn't think anyone would want to read about my utter exhaustion, growing tummy and swollen feet. However, I have had a few friends tell me that I really should get back to writing. I think they are right, I have really missed it! I promise not to share to many gross pregnancy details with you all...just a few.. ;)

I am now 4 and a half months pregnant and we are having a boy. We have a name but we are keeping it to ourselves, I've found with other friends that sometimes when you tell people what you are naming your baby they say things like "That's a silly name" or "That's a BIG name for a little boy" (these are just things I've heard). So we decided to keep it to ourselves, we figure that when little guy is here and is absolutely adorable, everyone will have to love the name. :) 

I've also found that people definitely feel that it's OK to ask you more personal questions when you are pregnant. My favorite is "Were you trying?" I always think to myself when someone asks me that "Do you really want to know? What benefit would having that information give you?" Then "How much weight have you gained?" I've been asked this one a few times and I wish I was kidding. When people ask me I just say "Enough for a healthy baby!" I mean come on, have some common decency. In what universe is it EVER OK to ask a woman how much weight she has gained? Honestly. Now, I am not talking about my friends who have asked these questions, they are a little different and usually I'm OK with them asking these types of questions (Well, except the weight question that one is never OK). Total and complete strangers or acquaintances are a different story.  The other scary thing about being in the public and being pregnant is when random people touch your belly. I have never in my life felt the random urge to just rub some random woman's stomach because she is carrying a baby. I've been fairly lucky so far, although I am not quite that big yet. I'm at that point where people can tell I'm pregnant but won't say anything unless I say it first. It's kind of funny though, when I first meet people they will look at me and then my belly. Usually I will just rest my hand on top to let them know, yes I am pregnant and it's OK to say something about it. Most people don't randomly touch their bellies. Well, I don't think they do anyway. One time I would just like someone to ask me though, just so I could mess with them a little. "Aw how far along are you?" "What are you talking about?! I'm not pregnant! You just think I'm fat!" but I don't think I'd have the guts to do that though. 

Now, onto a more serious side of it. The weight gain has been hard for me. Just last night I woke up in a sweat (and not it wasn't due to the awesome night sweats I've been getting, those are a BLAST) about how much weight I've gained and how far I have to go. I have been really  lucky throughout this pregnancy that every now and then I just get a tad bit of heartburn or a bit of nausea.  I've also only been craving the things that aren't so great for me such as burgers, cheese (good in moderation), salt, pickles (yes, I am the pregnant girl who stands in my fridge eating pickles) etc. In the beginning I was craving fruit but alas that ended. So, I woke up this morning determined to start making better choices in what I eat, after all what I eat baby eats. So, we need to be healthy. I also got really lax on calorie counting, so I'm going to get back into that as well. Not to lose weight (no worries, I won't be dieting while I am pregnant) this will just be to keep me aware of what I am eating.  I also need to start walking and getting outside, since we've been in our house I haven't really been doing any exercise. So I decided that starting tomorrow morning I'm going to get up early and take the dog for a walk before I get ready for work. I have some of my energy back, I need to make sure I start to use it. I also want to do whatever I can to make sure that I am prepared for labor (I know you probably can never be really prepared for labor, but I am going to give it my best shot). 

So here we go again! I also figure if I keep up with my calorie counting while pregnant it will be easier for me to continue to do it when I have the baby and try to start losing weight again.


  1. I think women are so excited to share their experience, they start asking you questions first. It's a women thing. The belly thing I have never done, nor had done to me. I read somewhere that pregnant women only need to increase their cal intake by 300. I thought that was good for women to know. I feel bad for pregnant women when they say "I am pregnant and I am going to eat what ever I want and as much as I want", because they are the ones that are shocked that the weight is still there after the baby is born. I have always believed that pregnancy is not an illness and women should be able to go on with their normal life (for the most part). Great post and I look forward to more.


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