Leg Cramps are the devil.

Imagine this, you're sleeping peacefully, dreaming away..all of the sudden it feels like a shark has taken hold of your leg muscle and is ripping it apart. It jolts you from a peaceful sleep and sends you hopping around the room trying to shake it off, the invisible shark. You imagine that your leg is being ripped to pieces and don't dare to look down because you know it won't be there when you look down. Then you finally summon the courage up to look down... your leg is fine. It's intact. You've just experienced one of the most not fun parts of pregnancy: a leg cramp. So far in my pregnancy there has been nothing quite as painful as the leg cramps (aka charlie horse). I seriously thought my muscle was going to just be gone out of my leg and I'd have to deal with it for the rest of my life. Now, as a runner I've had my fair share of charlie horses and those were not pleasant at all. However, this was far worse than any charlie horse I've gotten from running. I think I'm going to be eating about 5 bananas today to try and not get that horrible pain again. I think the worst part of it is that there really isn't any relief, I shake my leg and that just doesn't work. I've tried bracing myself against the wall and pushing my toes down and heel up, that doesn't help. I've researched the pregnancy websites and they all say the same thing: there really isn't a cure. You can try stretching your leg out before you go to bed, but no promise that will work.  It's just one of those things. Although, if a charlie horse is the worst pain I endure in this pregnancy, I'll consider myself lucky.

So between the devil leg cramps, having to pee 18 times a night (maybe more like 6) and having the weirdest dreams ever, I'm not sleeping so well. Then when I wake up at 3AM and I have to pee, I go and then I lay back down and of course I start thinking about the most random things "I wonder how traffic will be tomorrow morning" "I have to watch the episode of Long Island Medium on my DVR" these are the things that run through my head at 3AM and keep me from sleeping. Needless to say after dealing with all of this last night, I was not going for my walk this morning and my whole morning was just totally thrown off. I'm hoping to be able to get to a yoga class tonight, just to get back to center and relax a little bit. Unfortunately there aren't any prenatal classes in my area but there is a class near my house and the teacher is certified in prenatal. So, hopefully that will be helpful! Anyway, that's about all the complaining I have to do today. Until next time folks.



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